Phase II Environmental Site Assessments (Phase II ESAs) are conducted when the results of the Phase I ESA indicate the potential for on-site or off-site contamination. These comprehensive studies are performed to verify Phase I findings and to identify the areal extent of contamination.
The Phase II ESA initially consists of an evaluation of the existing site information, including regional geologic, hydrogeologic, and physical characteristics, identification of the chemicals of concern, and an identification of the source areas and the potentially affected media. Laboratory results are evaluated to determine if the concentrations of chemicals of concern are within applicable standards.
Since each property location is unique, Phase II sampling plans are individually developed based on the property's particular characteristics. The sampling plan ensures that sufficient and representative data is obtained in order to evaluate the potential for contamination of the subsurface environment in the areas of concern by regulated substances and/or petroleum products. Quality assurance objectives and standard operating procedures are incorporated in the sampling plan in order to assure the accuracy and maximize the representativeness of the data collected.
GETCO, Inc. employs a variety of testing methods when conducting a Phase II investigation. These testing methods range from geophysical surveys (to discover buried metallic objects such as barrels or USTs) to the collection and laboratory analyses of soil and water samples. Sampling of all potentially affected media, including soil, sediment, surface water, ground water, bedrock, soil gas and air, is then performed utilizing standard industry technologies including the installation of soil borings and ground water monitoring wells, and the use of various other sampling devices.
GETCO, Inc.'s assessment procedures are performed in accordance with recognized ASTM protocols, Ohio Voluntary Action Program protocols, and/or United States Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) guidance documents, thereby assuring accurate information with conclusions that are consistent with the appropriate standards.